Department / Committee |
Description |
2024 Committee Members |
Platform |
Considers and reports to the Convention on recommendations for amendments to the permanent Statement of Principles and Platform of the Party. |
Chair - Darren Pollok Secretary - Stephanie Berlin Amanda Gibbs Luke Troxell Mike Dooling Trey Holcomb Nathan Garza Email: [email protected] |
Bylaws |
Considers and reports to the Convention on recommendations for amendments to the permanent Bylaws of the Party. |
Chair - John Wilford Secretary - Paul Darr Patrick Mitchell Anastasia Wilford Joe Roberts Lisa Schlinkert Nick Gausling Email: [email protected] |
Credentials |
Considers and reports to the Convention on recommendations for resolution of any challenges to the credentials of delegates to the convention. |
Chair - Christy Ford Secretary - Jessi Cowart Joe Burnes Bo Zimmerman Jocelyn Pantke Scott Peterson Darren Pollok Email: [email protected] |
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