If you are interested in being on the Judicial Committee please fill out this form.
IV.b Judicial Committee
IV.b.1. Composition and Quorum
The Judicial Committee shall be composed of seven (7) Party members elected at each regular
state convention occurring in a non-gubernatorial election year. The members of the Judicial
Committee shall select the chair of the Judicial Committee from among themselves. Any five (5)
members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. The members of the Judicial Committee
shall take office immediately upon the close of the convention, or immediately upon appointment
if appointed outside of a convention.
IV.b.2. Qualifications
In order to qualify to be a member of the Judicial Committee, a person must meet the following:
i. Is currently not nor have been a member of the SLEC (regardless of voting status) for
the previous one (1) year.
ii. Is not currently a member of any committee of the SLEC.
iii. Is not currently a member of any committee of the convention of LPTexas.
iv. Is not currently serving as volunteer staff of LPTexas.
v. Have been a Voting Member for at least four (4) consecutive years at the time of their
election or appointment.
IV.b.3. Vacancies
The SLEC and Judicial Committee members shall vote to appoint new members if vacancies
occur, and such appointees may serve until the final adjournment of the next regular
non-gubernatorial convention. Such appointments must obtain two-thirds (2/3) of all those
eligible to vote
IV.b.4. Jurisdiction
The Judicial Committee review of a Party action shall be limited to the consistency of that action
against the Bylaws and other governing documents of the Party.
The subject matter jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee is limited to consideration of only those
matters expressly identified as follows:
i. Censuring a Voting Member
ii. Removal of a member of the SLEC
iii. Qualification of State Executive Committee Members (III.a.3.)
iv. Failure to hold a convention (III.b.4.)
v. County governance (III.b.1.)
IV.b.5. Organization and Process
The Judicial Committee shall elect a Chair, who shall receive all appeals and petitions and
schedule hearings so as to obtain a quorum of the Judicial Committee. When a hearing is
requested, the Chair shall decide to accept or reject the appeal or petition. If the Chair accepts
the appeal or petition, the Chair shall set a hearing date within ten (10) days of receiving the
request. If the appeal or petition is rejected, the Chair shall notify the requestor and the SLEC
within ten (10) days of receiving the request. If the Chair has not accepted or rejected the
appeal or petition within ten (10) days of receiving the appeal, the Judicial Committee shall be
considered to have taken no action on the matter at hand.
The Judicial Committee shall provide at least ten (10) days notice to each of the parties to a
hearing, unless an earlier date is agreed to by the Judicial Committee and the participants. The
Judicial Committee shall hold a hearing within thirty (30) days of receiving a request, unless
otherwise specified. All parties to a hearing shall have the right to present their case before the
The Judicial Committee shall provide a written ruling within seven (7) days of the conclusion of
the hearing to all participants and SLEC. The minutes of all Judicial Committee proceedings
shall be reported to the SLEC at the next normal meeting of the SLEC. In the event that the
Judicial Committee fails to issue a written ruling within the timeframe required, the Judicial
Committee shall be considered to have taken no action on the matter at hand.